Contact Vix

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Message from the owner

Vix ZekkenThank you for stopping by! I am a collector of arcade machines. I love the weird stuff. I really got into arcade machines after playing Dance Dance Revolution in 2004. Went to a lot of arcades growing up since then and used to work at one–2018 sure did change that. I started my collection out with a broken Atari Anti-Aircraft and then soon after bought a Dance Dance Revolution machine, also broken. I liked the fun of trying to fix and modify broken games and thus I started to buy more and more games. I really enjoy the weird games. I really enjoy games that do not have monitor like Quick & Crash or Cool Gunman. My main goal now is to bring my collection of games to the local furry convention and help provide a fun unique experience for the locals. If you have any question about anything I do, my games, or arcades in general I really love talking about anything arcade so hit me up with any comments!
-Vix Zekken

Contact Information

Email me any high scores or questions at or at Facebook.